Prevention Better Than Cure
What is CT (Computed tomography) technology.
This facility is available at a cost using the same equipment that the NHS uses when they check you for such conditions as Cancer.
Although this technology use X-Rays (which is not good for us) it is a technology that is very beneficial to us as it can, and I quote from their website “can check for early signs of a range of illnesses, including heart disease, lung cancer, colon cancer, aortic aneurysms or osteoporosis, even before there are any symptoms”, which and I quote again from their website “Finding these illnesses early helps them to be treated quickly and effectively”.
Now I could go on and on about why the NHS (our free health service) do not offer this service for free but I would be here all day.
The truth of the matter is that this facility to be scanned fills a big hole in what the NHS have to offer but at a price, so we can look at this as private medicine and is therefore available to those who can afford it (which is not all of us) but it is a very good weapon in the fight against serious illnesses.
The issue that I have is that although identifying a serious illness early increases the chance of treatment being effective, it seems that we still have to wait until we have the illness before it can be identified, which is, I believe, still too late.
Why, after millions of pounds spent on research are we nowhere nearer being educated about prevention. We all know that prevention is better that a cure but it seems that funds are always being used for cures rather than prevention.
Some of the cynics out there and that includes a large number of my clients, state that a healthy nation would lose the powers that be, money, so why would they want a healthy nation.
After all, you only need to look at how big the drugs market is Today and that will give you some indication of how much money there is to be made by manufacturing and prescribing drugs.
I of course am not allowed to say that the main objectives of any Health service is to make money, as their main objective, as a national service, should be to look after the nation’s best interests.
I will let you decide for yourselves on that one.
So the point I am trying make in this post is that surely, after years of research and millions of pound spent, why is it not possible for this research to generate information that could educate all of us as to the risks of serious illnesses and steps that we could take to potentially reduce this risk.
And why are tests that we could have which could give us an indication of whether we will be at risk, not available on the NHS.
Are there such tests available, I hear you say. The simple answer is yes, which begs the question as to why we do not have access to them or even know about them.
Now please do not get me wrong here. There is no magical test that can tell you exactly what illnesses each of us may be prone to (not even Mystic Meg can do that) but there are tests that are available that can give us a better picture of what is going on inside our bodies and can therefore offer us the opportunity to some sort of action based on these tests.
This is similar to the amber lights on your car dashboard and I will cover what tests are available in a future post.
Best Regards
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Prevention Better Than Cure
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