Monday, March 10, 2014

Vegetarians created The UFC, MMA, BJJ, Ultimate FIghting Fighters Diet & lived to nearly 100 years old - No Lowcarb Atkins Meat Paleo unfit for humans - 6

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Vegetarians created The UFC, MMA, BJJ, Ultimate FIghting Fighters Diet & lived to nearly 100 years old – No Lowcarb Atkins Meat Paleo unfit for humans – 6
the diet solution

The UFC was created by Rorion Gracie of the Gracie Family, a vegetarian.

In fact, a vegetarian created the entire Octagon, the idea of fighting in an 8-sided cage, and MMA as we know it in the UFC today were all created by a Vegetarian, the ultimate fighter.

This is why vegetarians are dominating the UFC. In fact, a pesca vegetarian, Royce Gracie, won the very 1st UFC. And he won the 2nd one too. Vegetarian diets have proven superior for athletes, including ones where you need to be the toughest, strongest, muscular contender with incredible cardio and endurance that won’t quit. Plant diets do this.

Witness the fact that endurance athletes don’t go out and eat a 5 pound steak before running an ironman triathlon or a marathon. You’d feel sleepy, feel weighed down, lose the race, and after a pitiful distance of running, you’d throw it up. On the other hand, what do elite athletes do before a race? Eat carbs! And an apple or fruit. And they are fit, thin, and strong. This confirms plant diets yield fantastic stamina, endurance, muscle firing strength, and energy. Lowcarb high meat high fat diets are now considered a debunked fad myth. It turns out in actual studies Meat is the worst diet for athletes. But many people who are not so educated in science don’t know this and laughingly still believe the lowcarb fad diets, or even worse, the paleo diet, which has been found to be a scam. (Many believe that the Paleo Diet told to them in the books is what caveman actually ate, it’s not true. For example, Cavemen drank untreated water. Like from a stagnant pond, or drank out of a mud puddle outside, or from a stream that may have bacteria in it. The Paleo Diet books don’t tell you this. What this means, is that The Paleo Diet in the books is NOT the same thing as what Cavemen actually ate. Yet you’ll see many under-educated people raving and insisting that The Paleo Diet is ‘the best because it’s what all our ancestors ate’. No it’s not. The funniest example is when you ask a Paleo Dieter or Crossfit ballerina what they eat and they say steak because it’s paleo, and then they find out Beef isn’t Paleo. Beef cattle were genetically bred. And only arose 2,800 years ago. So Beef isn’t paleo. Sorry, but if you are paleo, you can’t eat steak. Beef isn’t paleo. Cavemen didn’t have it and didn’t eat it. So if you thought beef and steak were ‘paleo’ and you’ve been eating it, guess what, if you thought you were paleo, this entire time you’re not. This is yet another example of how the paleo diet books and paleo fad is non-scientific, and was found to be a scam. Most paleo dieters are simply easily duped by what’s called ‘pseudo-science’. It’s when a diet scammer concocts a bunch of ‘scientific-looking’ things, articles, etc which appear to be all scientific but they are all containing flaws. But since those on the Paleo Diet are often not as smart, they don’t know it. In fact, the opposite is true and they’ll rave and insist that they are the ones who have the ‘real’ science. Until you start pointing out that beef isn’t paleo and they’ve been eating it, which stuns them, and now they can’t drink treated water out of the tap in their own house nor bottled water, cavemen didn’t do that, they need to drink untreated bacterial water from a watering hole that just had animals pooping in it, that’s what Grok did. And there were no refrigerators 20,000 years ago in Africa, so guess what, you can’t put your meat in the refrigerator, you have to let it sit outside. And a paleo diet probably contains maggots, so anyone saying they are paleo will need to eat some maggots. You can’t brush your teeth, cavemen didn’t have toothbrushes and salival mouth bacteria is where the diet and digestion starts. Oops…horrible bad-breath, body odor, rotten lukewarm meat with parasites and botfly maggots is now revealed as what cavemen really ate, so this is what your man is going to be doing, ladies, if he is bragging about the paleo diet. Oh, and ladies, grokette didn’t shave her armpits, use mouthwash, and ate tapeworms, offal organs, and probably had a bit of feces in it, so be sure to dunk your food in the toilet first to be sure you get all the things paleo man ate into your diet. Paleo still sounding good? But we haven’t even gotten started about meat now found linked to anus and rectal cancer yet.

In any case, as you see, one of the toughest men on Earth, the man who is responsible for one of the manliest athletic sports on earth, the Ultimate Fighting Championship is a Vegetarian, because vegetarians tested to have more testosterone, higher IQ, and more endurance and muscular stamina. Plant-based diets generate higher quality denser packed muscle. Meat-based muscle is flabbier and lower quality. Just look at meat-eaters, like a lion, lions are felines, they’re feminine, their muscle is all smooth and lanky, not defined, and they grow tired and sleep all day. Cats sleep nearly 22 hours a day. They get exhausted easily and fall asleep. Also in lions, the male doesn’t even do most of the hunting. The female lions do it. The male sits around panting in the heat. Now look in contrast to the muscle definition of a vegetarian, like a horse, you can even see the muscles rippling on the body of a horse. And if you think a horse isn’t muscular and powerful, you shall now be reminded that it’s the very definition of it. Even your car’s engine is rated in "Horse Power", showing that its the strength of a vegetarian that is used as the very definition of how powerful something is. Now think how silly it would sound measuring your car’s engine in "lionpowers".

As far as masculinity and manliness, there is nothing greater than the ALPHA MALE. Know where that phrase came from? A Silverback Gorilla. Guess what. Gorillas are vegetarian. Vegan in fact. Gorillas weigh upwards of 400 to 800 pounds, dwarfing any human man, and literally rippling with powerful muscle. If you still falsely believe that you can’t get ‘protein’ or somehow you need meat to grow muscle, go up to a Gorilla and instigate it. Tell it that if it eats plants it’s sickly, weak, wimpy, has no muscle, and can’t ever get any protein by eating plants and fruit and poke it. When it gets done flapping you around like a girl’s rag doll and then after you get out of the hospital, you’ll now be more educated on the subject. Oh, and sorry ’4 stomachs’ arguers, Gorillas only have 1 stomach, they’re like us. We’re like them. Our DNA is nearly 98% the same. Sorry, but plants contain higher quality protein and generate bigger, stronger denser muscle cells.

The strongest land animal on earth is a vegetarian: The Elephant. 20-thousand pounds. Where did it get its protein? Elephants don’t eat meat. And have 1 stomach. Like us. Same as the gorilla, a primate. Like us. Tallest animal on earth is a vegetarian: Giraffe. The biggest dinoaurs to ever roam the earth were the plant-eating ones. If you still believe you can’t get protein from plants when you have plant-eaters with huge muscles reaching everywhere from 800 pounds, to 20,000 pounds and even reaching 100 tons, you must not be smarter than a meat-eater. If you still believe that steak has protein and not plants, and you have to eat meat to get protein, then where did all that protein you think is in the steak come from? Cows don’t eat meat. It all came from original plants. In other words, a vegetarian is eating the fresher, more original proteins. A meat-eater is merely taking the same protein and putting it into the mouth of another animal first. A meat-eater’s protein has been chewed and inside an animal’s mouth. In other words, a man eating steak, a meat-eater, is simply getting a vegetarian man’s "sloppy seconds". The vegetarian is getting the better quality, freshest, proteins. The original.

Indeed this is why a vegetarian invented the UFC. A vegetarian invented Gracie Barra Jiu-Jitsu, BJJ, and Mixed Martial Arts as we see it in the UFC today.


Largest Bodybuilder in the World Guinness Book of World Records vs Arnold Carnivore Caveman Diet – 4
the diet solution
Image by Vegetarian-Vegan-Bodybuilding-Info
Largest Bodybuilder in the World Guinness Book of World Records vs Arnold Carnivore Caveman Diet – 222 – 4

To any person who mistakenly believes plants don’t contain protein, or that vegans can’t obtain protein, or that vegetarians can’t get enough protein, simply show them this picture. This is 7 foot 3 inch tall 435 pound Vegetarian Dalip Singh. Not only do vegetarians obtain better protein than steak and meat eaters, he is the largest bodybuilder on the face of the Earth, and he is Vegetarian.

Yes, that’s right. A vegetarian bodybuilder has beat Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Lee Haney, Dorian Yates, Flex Wheeler, and all the rest of those in the Mr. Olympia. Don’t get this wrong, Dalip is great friends with other bodybuilders, including Dorian Yates 7 time Mister Olympia. Dorian Yates and Dalip are friends, and there are photos here of the two where Dorian is absolutely dwarfed by the vegetarian and Dorian is saying "I look like a little child next to him!". It’s all in fun. Dorian also works with other Vegetarian bodybuilders and he knows the muscle building advantages of being vegetarian. Another example is Dorian actually sponsors Sheru Harmeet Aangrish, he is the #1 IFBB biggest PRO vegetarian bodybuilder in the world. Sheru Harmit Aangrish is from India, and he took the National Bodybuilding Title in the UK. He won Mr. Britain, Jr, Mr Universe, Mr. Asia, and more.

The reason that a vegetarian diet is far better for building muscle, and why vegetarians get so big is because Steak has FEMALE hormones in it. Yes, if you eat meat, you’re eating Estrogen. This is the hormone that makes girls feminine. If you eat steak, prime rib, tbones, tenderloins, etc, each bit can be soaked with ladies’ menstrual fluids. Vegetarians do not have this problem. This is why Vegetarian men were tested and found to have Higher Testosterone than Omnivores and Meat eaters.

Didn’t know this? Don’t believe it? Well, go see for yourself. Type "SYNOVEX-S CATTLE ESTRADIOL" into google. What you will see are livestock feed stores selling feminine hormone pellets to cow farmers. The cattle farmers have been putting these into your steak. Don’t get mad at vegetarians or vegans. They didn’t do it. Get mad at the meat farmers. For they have been dousing your man’s parts with effeminizing chemicals without telling you, for years. The ones selling you that steaks and meat are delicious are the ones who soaked it with hormones. They do this to get you to pay more. They puff up the cow, and make it weigh more. They get paid by the weight, and You paid for it.

So it’s the Meat Industry and Cattle farmers who not only duped you into paying more money, getting rich off of you, but also didn’t tell you steak is soaked with old ladies’ pad fluids, and got you to believe meat was manly.

Oh, and they also seeded the internet with the Soy is Evil hoax, made up by and traced to an individual named Sally Fallon Morell and Mary G. Enig of a front group for the Livestock Industry named WAPF, the Weston A. Price Foundation. Upon testing, tests revealed that soy doesn’t contain estrogen at all. None! And cabbage has none either, that is also a hoax. In fact NO plant contains women’s estrogen at all, even if you see someone try to print that. What plants contain is PHYTOestrogen, that’s not the same. In fact, the Phyto-estrogen blocks the real mammalian female estrogen. So Soy not only doesn’t feminize you, soy actually stops female estrogen from binding to the receptor sites. Think of it like this, say you have a car full of criminals, and a car with a friend in it, and a parking spot. If the friend parks his car in the spot, now the car full of criminals cant get in there and rob your house. The cars may look the same, may both be gray, same model, but they aren’t the same. Soy phytoestrogen, the plant kind, is actually the bodybuilders friend, stopping the real estrogen from getting into the receptor site parking spot. And now you know. Soy myth is false. It was made to look like a scientific article but it is scientifically fallacious. Hope you weren’t duped.

This is one reason why a…


Vegatarians created the UFC, BJJ, Modern MMA, Best Diet for Strikers Grapplers Bodybuilders Athletes – Watch out for Paleo Scam Diet Found Unfit – 5
the diet solution
Vegetarians invented the UFC. The Ultimate Fighting Championship was created by a vegetarian.

The Ultimate Fighter who invented it all eats no meat.

The Ultimate Fighting Championship was invented by Rorion Gracie of the Gracie Family. Rorion Gracie eats no red meat and owes his cardio, athleticism, and strength to his vegetarian diet, including fruit and vegetables.

Meat is not good for athletes and a meat diet is deficient in nutrients, it results in tiredness, lack of endurance, failure to have any stamina, and more porous weaker muscle. Plant based muscle is packed more solid and vegetarian muscle is stronger. Meat contains estrogen. Meat is feminine. Cooking meat produces a substance called "Heterocyclic Amines", one of which is called PhIP, which is estrogenic and so all meat when cooked, especially barbequed steak is effeminizing. Not many people are aware of this. Vegetarians do not have this problem. This is why vegetarians were measured to have higher testosterone levels than men who eat meat.

Vegetarian and vegan is the best diet for athletes, men, and fighters. Roman Gladiators, the original ultimate fighters were also vegetarian. Shaolin Monks who developed kung fu were also vegetarian.

Martial Arts was invented by Bodhidharma in india, who was a vegetarian.

Vegetarian is the best fighter’s diet. And indeed, the entire UFC and modern Mixed Martial Arts in the UFC was created by a vegetarians!

Vegetarians created The UFC, MMA, BJJ, Ultimate FIghting Fighters Diet & lived to nearly 100 years old - No Lowcarb Atkins Meat Paleo unfit for humans - 6

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