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The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (419)
The BEAT CARES holiday toy & food drive @ Brentwood Town Centre
With your generous help and donations we were able to raise over 0,000 in cash, over 5,000 toys and over 8,000 pounds of food!
Proudly supportng the Greater Vancouver Foodbank, Salvation Army and the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau.
Photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery &
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The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (418)
The BEAT CARES holiday toy & food drive @ Brentwood Town Centre
With your generous help and donations we were able to raise over 0,000 in cash, over 5,000 toys and over 8,000 pounds of food!
Proudly supportng the Greater Vancouver Foodbank, Salvation Army and the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau.
Photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery &
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judicial process … Lesbian cheerleader, 19, charged over sexual relationship with female schoolmate, 14, gets ANOTHER plea deal (3 October 2013) — Civil rights? …item 2.. Smart justice (Thursday, 11.07.13) …
Image by marsmet53
‘It is apparent that the conduct of both the defendant and Kelley Hunt Smith is severely threatening the integrity of the judicial process,’ read the documents.
The younger girl’s parents have remained adamant that Hunt should be prosecuted as a sex offender.
But Hunt’s mother knew already, it seems. Back in March, documents indicate Kelley Hunt Smith contacted the girl herself. ‘PLEASE delete everything,’ Smith wrote, ‘and make sure NO ONE finds out you’ve spoken to Kate at all.’
……..*****All images are copyrighted by their respective authors …
… marsmet532a photo … Lesbian high school student, 18, refuses plea deal for sexual relationship with 14-year-old girl — Civil rights? (24 May 2013) ……
… marsmet532a photostream … marsmet532a … Page 1
… youtube video … Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial Introducing Macintosh Computer (HD) …
… 1:03 minutes …
Iconic 1984 Apple Computer Macintosh commercial conceived by Chiat/Day and directed by Ridley Scott was nationally aired on television only once – during the 3rd quarter of the 1984 Super Bowl football game.
— By: Frank Cotham Item #: 8638811
Frank Cotham was educated at the University of Memphis and went on to join the production department at WHBQ-TV. In 1986, when “the other guy” in the art department quit, Cotham followed suit and decided he’d give full-time cartooning a try. He has been a cartoonist for The New Yorker since 1993.
… marsmet473a photo … Kaitlyn Hunt, 19 (WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2013) — told WPTV that she believes she was "set up" …
… marsmet473a photostream … Page 1
…..item 1)…. Lesbian cheerleader, 19, charged over sexual relationship with female schoolmate, 14, gets ANOTHER plea deal after losing the last one for sending girl thousands of texts …
… Mail Online – Daily Mail … …
… Kaitlyn Hunt was arrested in February and told to stay away from her younger lover after the girl’s parents alerted authorities to the relationship
… But Hunt allegedly continued to communicate with the girl via 20,000 texts
… Court documents allege the two had sex as recently as July
… Hunt has been in jail since losing a plea deal in August
PUBLISHED: 17:19 EST, 2 October 2013 | UPDATED: 08:33 EST, 3 October 2013…
Florida prosecutors offered Kaitlyn Hunt, 19, a third plea deal Wednesday after she’d refusing or losing the previous ones in her ongoing legal saga over her sexual relationship with a 14-year-old female classmate.
The Sebastian Beach teen’s felony troubles began when she was arrested in February and got worst when she lost a plea deal in August after prosecutors alleged she’d continued the sexual relationship and communicated with the girl via 20,000 texts.
Hunt has been in jail ever since and is expected to accept this newest offer, which requires her to remain in jail until December 20 and serve two years house arrest.
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img code photo … Third chance: Kaitlyn Hunt, 19…
Third chance: Kaitlyn Hunt, 19, has been offered a third plea deal in her ongoing saga over a lesbian relationship with a 14-year-old high school classmate
img code photo … Deal…
Deal: Under the new deal, which Hunt’s layers helped cut, two counts of she’ll plead no contest to five charges including two felony counts of interference with child custody
The deal would see Hunt remain in jail until December 20. She would then begin two years of electronically monitored house arrest.
Nine months of probation would follow.
According to CNN, ff she has no violations, she will not be a convicted felon per Florida law.
She would then have the possibility of sealing her file and having the case expunged after 10 years.
‘I believe this is a fair and balanced offer that protects the victim while giving Ms. Hunt the ability to avoid the most severe consequences of her crimes by demonstrating that no further punishment is necessary,’ Workman said.
Under the deal, Hunt must plead no contest to five charges including two felony charges of interference with child custody.
img code photo … Arrest: Kaitlyn Hunt, 19…
Arrest: Kaitlyn Hunt, 19, who ‘had sex with her underage girlfriend’, lost one plea deal and rejected another but is expected to take the third one offered by Florida prosecutors
img code photo … Arrest: Kaitlyn Hunt, 19…
Arrest: Kaitlyn Hunt, 19, who ‘had sex with her underage girlfriend’, lost one plea deal and rejected another but is expected to take the third one offered by Florida prosecutors
img code photo … Better times…
Better times: Hunt, who met the underage girl as they attended the same high school, faced up to 15 yuars in jail and having to register as a sex offender. The new deal helps her avoid both, but does include jail time and two years of house arrest
Free Kaitlyn Hunt / Facebook
img code photo … Better times…
Better times: Hunt, who met the underage girl as they attended the same high school, faced up to 15 yuars in jail and having to register as a sex offender. The new deal helps her avoid both, but does include jail time and two years of house arrest
Free Kaitlyn Hunt / Facebook
Breaking News
Indian River County
video: 38 seconds
Teen Lesbian Accepts New Plea Deal
CBS Miami … Oct. 2, 2013
video: 26 seconds
The teenager was booked into the Indian River County Jail on August 19 and has been in jail since.
A judge decided to keep Hunt behind bars for violating the terms of her pre-trial release after it emerged that she had remained in touch with the girl by allegedly slipping her an iPod and exchanging more than 20,000 text messages following her arrest in February.
After the new details emerged, prosecutors withdrew a plea deal that would have seen Hunt avoid prison time but register as a sex offender. Now she faces the possibility of having to do both.
The case has garnered national attention as the teenager’s supporters have claimed that the younger girl’s parents only contacted police about the relationship because Hunt is gay.
She was charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious battery in February and jailed before posting ,000. She was banned from contacting the younger girl, whom she had met at high school.
Under Florida law, even if the relationship was consensual, it is illegal for anyone over the age of 18 to have sexual relations with anyone under that age. At the time of their relationship, Hunt was 18.
Court documents accuse Hunt of ‘covertly contacting her victim thousands of times’ on an iPod she smuggled to the girl and even of telling her to ‘Keep the f**k quiet’ about it.
Hunt had not decided whether or not to take the plea deal when renewed accusations broke.
img code photo … Revoked…
Revoked: Hunt, pictured in court earlier this month, had a plea deal on the table until investigators accused her of violating her bond terms with continued contact with her 14-year-old lover. Most notably, she was accused of exchanging 20,000 text messages with the girl
img code photo … Violations…
Violations: Hunt allegedly smuggled an iPod to her girlfriend and the two traded messages, including naked photos and masturbation videos from Hunt
The new evidence indicated Hunt and the girl, until July, were in contact almost daily since Hunt’s last day at Sebastian River High School in March.
Court documents claim that the teens exchanged thousands of texts since March. Hunt also allegedly sent more than 25 lewd photos of herself which show her nude or ‘masturbating while moaning’.
They also allege that Hunt’s mother, Kelley Hunt Smith, may have helped her daughter cover her tracks by messaging the girl, urging her to delete all trace of their contact.
According to prosecutors, Hunt’s girlfriend told detectives about the continued illicit contact and how Hunt would ‘drive the child to a remote location where they would have intimate physical contact.’
img code photo … New revelations…
New revelations: Kaitlyn Hunt is now accused of sending some 20,000 messages to her underage lover, breaching a court order. And documents say her mom Kelly, right, helped her
Free Kate –
img code photo … Massive push…
Massive push: A ‘Free Kate’ Facebook page has generated more than 35,000 followers so far, and an online petition urging that the charges be dropped already has nearly 120,000 signatures
Free Kate –
‘I’m out of jail on bond,’ Hunt told the girl in a May message warning her not to tell anyone they were in communication, otherwise, ‘I’ll sit in jail until trial starts.’
‘No matter what,’ Hunt wrote. ‘If they find out we talked I’m going to jail until trial starts.’
On or around May 21, the documents allege, Hunt discovered her lover had told her parents about their continued relationship.
‘F**k you…you’re stupid,’ she wrote. ‘You want me to go in jail…You’re such a messed up person…you snitched on me. God only knows what you’ll do when pressed in court. Bye.’
The two continued to converse, and on May 29, Hunt wrote, ‘If my mom finds out we’re talking, I’m blaming it on you.’
The defendants mom, Kelley Hunt Smith, did find out. But the court documents suggest that, instead of putting an end to the contact, Smith tried to help her daughter cover her tracks.
img code photo … Civil rights?…
Civil rights? Kaitlyn Hunt’s parents took her case public after they claimed she was targeted because she is gay. While out on bond and barred from seeing the girl, Hunt may have had sex with her as recently as July
NBC News
img code photo … Defending his daughter…
Defending his daughter: Steven Hunt (right) insists that his 19-year-old daughter, Kaitlyn (left), is being targeted by prosecutors for dating a 14-year-old classmate because she is lesbian
Delete EVERYTHING,’ Smith wrote in a text message to the girl. ‘PLEASE delete everything and make sure NO ONE finds out you’ve spoken to Kate at all.’
Incriminating messages from Kaitlyn’s girlfriend were also included in the court filing.
‘Chill out, I’m f***king with you,’ wrote the girl. ‘Babe, you need to like smoke a Black and Mild or something.’
To which Hunt replied: ‘KK rolling our blunt now.’
Ms. Hunt was not immediately available for comment, but the court documents make clear just how seriously the prosecution is taking these newest revelations.
‘It is apparent that the conduct of both the defendant and Kelley Hunt Smith is severely threatening the integrity of the judicial process,’ read the documents.
The younger girl’s parents have remained adamant that Hunt should be prosecuted as a sex offender.
The glut of publicity included interviews in where her parents claimed their daughter was only charged because she is gay. As of May, 300,000 people had signed an online petition to have the charges against the teenager dropped.
If she goes to trial, she faces 15 years in prison if convicted on the two original charges of lewd or lascivious battery alone.
She is now likely to face additional charges for breaking the terms of her bond.
Thousands have signed petitions in support of Florida teen Kaitlyn Hunt after she was jailed and charged with lascivious battery of a minor. But while she and her parents gave national interviews maintaining her consensual relationship was innocent, Hunt was breaking court orders that she stay away from her 14-year-old girlfriend and could now lose a plea deal offer and face additional felony charges. According to the documents:
… February 17, 2013: A Vero Beach court gives ‘no contact’ order banning Hunt from ‘direct or indirect’ contact with the girl
… March 1: On Hunt’s last day at Sebastian River High, she slipped an iPod into the girl’s locker and kept in almost daily contact for months and eventually exchanged 20,000 messages with the device
… May 25: Hunt messages the girl, warning her to ‘Keep the f**k’ quiet
… May 29: ‘If my mom finds out we’re talking,’ wrote Hunt, ‘I’m blaming it on you.’
But Hunt’s mother knew already, it seems. Back in March, documents indicate Kelley Hunt Smith contacted the girl herself. ‘PLEASE delete everything,’ Smith wrote, ‘and make sure NO ONE finds out you’ve spoken to Kate at all.’
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…..item 2)…. Smart justice …
… Miami Herald … …
Miami Herald > Opinion > Editorials
OUR OPINION: Consider a plan to reduce both crime and prison costs
Posted on Thursday, 11.07.13
Overall, crime is down in Florida, which may explain why the state’s prison population is up. A felon behind bars is one less menace on the street. But locking up so many offenders — violent and nonviolent, alike — has a price.
Florida has the nation’s third-largest prison system and spends about ,000 a year to house each inmate. Compounding the costs is that nearly three of every 10 inmates return to prison within three years of release.
Now comes the state Department of Corrections, asking for million extra to reopen nine closed facilities next year because new admissions to the system are projected to increase by 2.7 percent in 2014 and 1.4 percent in 2015.
This increase, says the DOC, will require more than 1,000 new prison beds.
This request comes just a year after the DOC closed several prisons to save money at Gov. Rick Scott’s behest. Two of the shuttered facilities — prisons in Raiford and Polk City — would be reopened under the DOC’s latest plan.
So would two re-entry centers, one located in Miami-Dade County, and five work camps around the state.
The DOC also wants to hire more officers, buy new vehicles and pay for an electronic timekeeping system.
The Florida DOC’s annual budget is .4 billion — a big chunk of state tax dollars.
Is there any way the state can reduce that annual prison bill? Yes, say advocates of a concept called “smart justice.” The state is incarcerating too many nonviolent drug offenders, they say. Instead of being warehoused in prisons, many nonviolent felons should be treated to wean them off drugs, which would cut down on recidivism.
Using the “smart justice” concept, the state should improve re-entry and probation programs to keep former inmates on the straight path. While behind bars, inmates should be taught skills to help them find jobs on the outside. This is not a “bleeding heart” proposal that calls for being soft on felons. Violent criminals belong in prison for long stretches, period.
But the “smart justice” concept regards many nonviolent offenders and felons convicted of lesser crimes as candidates for rehabilitation. One way to make that thinking possible is to “re-engineer the criminal sentencing laws and save money at the same time,” says state Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth, a member of the Senate budget committee overseeing prisons. He’s right, but he’s bucking high winds in an election year when every candidate wants to be known as tough on crime.
But being tough on crime and practicing “smart justice” aren’t antithetical.
Imposing justice smartly really means treating felons as individuals who get fitting, not cookie-cutter, justice.
The concept is catching on, not for humane reasons necessarily, but as a way to cut prison costs. For instance, “smart justice” is a big hit in Georgia, where Republicans adopted it to cut down on repeat crime and incarceration costs. Yet Florida lawmakers need look no further than the state’s own Department of Juvenile Justice, which uses crime-prevention strategies such as court diversion programs and interventions with families to keep juveniles out of trouble and jail.
Gov. Scott may not be sold on the “smart justice” concept, but he should bear in mind that it’s also a “smart money” concept. Reducing crime and reducing prison costs should be catnip for the budget-minded governor.
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The BEAT CARES holiday food and toy drive at Brentwood Town Centre photos by Ron Sombilon Gallery (419)
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