Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle: Transform Your Body Forever Using the Secrets of the Leanest People in the World
A no-nonsense plan that has been proven and tested by more than 300,000 people in 154 countries. Whether you want to shed 10 pounds or 100, whether you want to build muscle or just look more toned, this book is the original “bible of fitness” that shows you how to get permanent results the safe, healthy, and natural way.
Do you want to shed fat and sculpt a new body shape at the same time?
Do you want a program without gimmicks, hype, or quick fixes?
Do you want a program guaranteed to work, no matter how old you are or what kind of shape you’re in now?
For twenty-five years, industry veteran and bestselling author Tom Venuto has built a reputation as one of the world’s most respected fat-loss experts. In Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle—known by fans as “the bible of fat loss”—Tom reveals the body transformation secrets of the leanest people in the world. This is not a diet and it’s not just a weight-loss program; this is a breakthrough system to change your life and get you leaner, stronger, fitter, and healthier with the latest discoveries in exercise and nutrition science.
Inside, you’ll discover:
- The simple but powerful LEAN formula, revealing the four crucial elements of body transformation success.
- The New Body 28 (TNB-28): a four-week training plan for sculpting lean muscle, plus a quick start primer workout perfect for beginners
- A lifestyle program that’s more flexible and easier than ever to follow, even if you are busy, have dietary restrictions, or have never worked out before.
- The motivation strategies it takes to stick with your plan.
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is not about getting as ripped as a fitness model or becoming a bodybuilder like Tom did (unless you want to); it’s about using their secrets to achieve your own personal goals. You are sure to call it your fitness bible for many years to come.
Q&A with Tom Venuto
Q. What do you think is the biggest myth about losing weight?
A. Definitely that dieting is the best way to lose weight, when it’s actually the WORST way! Most weight loss programs focus only on one thing, and that’s usually diet. My book is not so much about dieting your body down as it is about building your body up. It’s about getting leaner, but it’s also about building fitness, building strength, building lean muscle, building health and building confidence… and to do that, you have to approach it from more than one angle. Nutrition is the most important part, but there are four elements you need to transform your body in the shortest amount of time, and most people are missing the other three. Those are the people who say they’ve tried everything, and failed—when the truth is that their previous efforts didn’t focus on the complete picture.
Q. Why is resistance training so important even if someone’s goal is just to lose weight?
A. If you diet and you don’t do resistance training at the same time, you can lose between 30% and 50% of your weight loss in form of lean body mass. If you want to keep the muscle you have, you have to do resistance training. If you just diet, you WILL lose weight, but you’ll just become a smaller version of yourself – you’ll turn into a skinny fat person.
Q. What is the biggest mistake people make when trying to lose weight?
A. Focusing only on food quality or only on food quantity.
Those who focus only on food quantity believe that weight loss is only about calories-in-versus-calories-out, and “a calorie is just a calorie.” Those who focus only on food quality believe that weight loss is only about the nutritional value of the food, not the calories, so if they only eat health foods, they’ll automatically lose weight.
The truth is, if you want to get leaner and get healthier, you need focus on both – calorie quantity and calorie quality, not one or the other.
Q. Is there anything new in the science of burning fat and building muscle that everyone should know about?
A. The biggest breakthrough is that we’re finding that each person’s body type is unique and may need a different approach than other people’s. Most diet programs are very rigid about certain things: for example, saying everyone should eat low carbs. But what we’re discovering as research advances is that everyone is different. Some people get leaner and healthier on lower carbs, some people respond better to high carbs, and most people find that a healthy balance is right in the middle. So the science is confirming that the best approach is to customize your plan for your body type. That’s exactly what I show you how to do in BURN THE FAT, FEED THE MUSCLE.
Q. Is it ever too late?
A. Never! In fact, when you think about how you lose muscle every year if you don’t train, it’s too late not to start, no matter what your age. Resistance training combined with the right nutrition can take ten years off your biological age; it’s literally the fountain of youth. And I’m not just talking about a great body; I’m talking about great health, too.
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Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle: Transform Your Body Forever Using the Secrets of the Leanest People in the World
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